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About rrelentless

Legal structure and regulatory information

rrelentless is an Appointed Representative of Geo Underwriting Services Limited, which is Authorised and Regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA register Number 999624). rrelentless Limited is registered in England (registration number 13098017), registered address: 6 Beacon Way, Hull, England, HU3 4AE.

rrelentless' role in insurance transactions

rrelentless acts as an insurance intermediary and operates a "delegated authority" with respect to the provision of specific types of insurance.


For the types of insurance that we offer under this delegated authority we are subject to the regulation of the Financial Conduct Authority. Please refer to for up to date details of the extent of our authority. rrelentless’ Financial Conduct Authority Firm reference number is 999624.

Region specific legal notices


Service provider

Our services from offices in England are provided by rrelentless Limited, a company registered in England and Wales (registration number 13098017), whose registered office is at 6 Beacon Way, Hull, HU3 4AE.


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